HR starting - send us your resumes and profiles
We go, during the next weeks, to announce our research of the various profiles (managers, sales, marketing, communication, accountancy, technicians, developers) for the installation of our activities.
Nevertheless, if you think of having the profile and competences to integrate our structure, we invite you to send your candidatures immediately to contact@iconmytv.com.
Expatriates Special Offers
Don't forget to check the opening of the website and register to try to win one the 1,000 one year free subscription.
What will ICONMYTV offer ?
We offer an access to a database of all the past TV programs of the month, all channels included. From our database, you can schedule what you want to see when you want to see it.
No more needs to record anything because you will watch your favorite programs, the latest movies, the best shows... when you are available to. You've missed something last night that everybody chats about. Don't worry, just schedule it for tonight.
Create your own channel; select your favorite programs and schedule the date and time you want to see it. Define a slot time for each member of our family at the best moment for them. Enjoy a great movie at home with friends without running to rent a DVD or being limited by the choice of a pay-per-view channel... and after, spend time with them with some background music tracks of your choice from classic to electronic music, from lounge style to dance floor style with the best DJs of the world.
The audience has today access to hundreds of TV channels, free or via subscription, via satellite, cable and Internet.
But many limitations and frustrations are coming with...
- you can watch a channel on a TV set. If you want to record another channel, you have to watch it. Today, some companies are coming with new decoder terminal technologies allow you to record a channel while you are watching a second one... but for that, ou have to pay more as an option.
- you want to record a show starting at 8:00 pm on channel one until 10:00 pm but someone else wants to record a movie on channel two starting at 9:45 pm. You have to choose between missing the end of your show or missing the beginning of the movie... well, you always have to miss something or you can rent 2 systems... but that has an extra cost.
- there is a nice movie coming next Saturday but you can't watch it. Having a look at the next schedules, you will miss all. You can record it but you have so many things recorded to watch already.
- Monday evening, you want to see the new episode of CSI NYC but no channel will show it even late night.
- You have some friends coming home on Saturday night. You have planned to have a nice diner, watch a good movie and then finish around some frinks with nice background music tracks. For that, you need a movie that match expectation of everyones and that nobody have seen before. You can go to rent a DVD after spending a lot of time on the phone with everyones to decide which movie you will have and you need a second choice in case of the first movie is rent out... and do not forget to ask you friends to come with some nice music CDs or you can put a music channel hoping they will have the right music style you need to get your ambiance and they will not have 3 times the same song in an hour...
These kinds of stories, we can find dozens of it.
The number of TV channels are growing every year but instead of giving new themes or best quality to the public, the new TV channels are copies of the existing ones with always more rescheduling than exclusivities.
Subscribers are paying a lot for a package with many channels they do not want... but here is the dark side of packaging.
A 26 years old executive manager doesn't want to pay for cartoons channels. A family with young kids will not pay for violence in movies when kids are watching TV or they don't want to pay for cartoons showing at 2:00 am because they are sleeping.
Do you want more?!?
Why demultiplicating the number of channels if nobody is watching it? The main request from the audience is to have the choice. But do you think that having a limited choice between A, B and C is really a liberty of choosing.
Holidays, what happens during holidays, when you are out of home for a while, traveling. You pay for something unused!
Announcement: Prelaunch of Deep2TV services
Imagine you can choose what you want to watch, when you want to watch it and where you want to watch it, by choosing from worldwide channels programs up to 1 month back in the past.